· By free koncept
Grillin on Turf Episode Two
In this episode the crew dives into deep conversation on how the social dilemmas and current events have effected the 2021 year. Examples of how to cope with these obstacles and follow through with the New Years resolutions are voiced, but yearly fatigue could get the upper hand. Is college for the weak or for those that tweak? These dudes are at odds when it comes to the benefits and disadvantages of acquiring college degrees. And as always there's the never ending debate of whose NBA top 5 list his the best or even legitimate. Subscribe and turn the notifications on as you listen to the Sumthin Dope Podcast through your headphones.
-Free Koncept https://instagram.com/freekoncept?igs...
-Jay-O https://instagram.com/jay_o_da_king?i...
-Smart https://instagram.com/noigkingnick?ig...
-Rello https://instagram.com/rellbeckford?ig...
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